Corner sample
finishes represent
just one of the many possibilities available for that style. Our
can be interchanged and customized to fit your needs. We welcome your
when designing a frame. Please remember that our frames are hand
Minor variations are normal for this type of work. They add to the
beauty and character of each frame. If you have a corner sample you
like to match please send it to us when ordering.

Click on
the links
below to see pictures of how the finishes look
F01a- Gold Antique: 22k gold leaf over red
umber wash and medium antiquing with fly specs.
F01a- Gold Antique: Pictured on a frame
that is not
F01b- Gold Antique Creppe: Gold antique
with creppe
finished panel.
F02a- Silver Antique: Antiqued 12k white
gold for
the silver color.
F02b- Warm Silver Antique: 12k over red
clay, warm
umber wash and medium rub with fly specs.
F03a- Gold Heavy Antique: 22k gold extra
dark and
heavily distressed for a very aged look.
F03a- Gold Heavy Antique: Pictured on a
frame with
a flat panel and no carving.
F03b- Gold Heavy Antique dull: Pictured
with an un-burnished
matte panel.
F04- French Gold: 22k gold leaf over yellow
with red highlights. White, yellow, umber wash.
F04- French Gold: Pictured on non carved
F05a- Wood finish #5: Asphaltum rub with
yellow shellac. Red clay ornament.
F05a- Wood finish #5: Pictured on flat
F05b- Wood finish #5: With gold heavy
antique lip.
F06a- French Silver: 12K white gold over
clay with red highlights, French wash, ochre sides.
F06a- French Silver: Pictured on a frame
that is
not carved.
F06b- French Silver over blue panel: With
blue clay
on flat panel section.
F07- French Pale: 22k gold leaf over yellow
red clays. Pale wash, cut marks.
F08a- Gold Brushed: 22k gold, brushed
finish over
red clay.
F08b- Silver Brushed: 12k white gold,
brushed finish
over red clay.
F08c- Silver Brushed over blue: 12k white
gold, brushed
finish over blue clay.
F08d- Silver Brushed over black: 12k white
brushed finish over black clay.
F09- Silver Brushed Dull Panel: 12k Brushed
an unburnished matte panel or scoop.
F10a- Finish #10: Rustic gesso finish with
wax. Usually combined with gold or metal leaf.
F10b- Chestnut Finish #10: Rustic gesso
& wax
finish with brownish tones.
F11a- Gold Brown Crackle: Antique 22k gold
with brown crackle paint.
F11a- Gold Brown Crackle: Pictured on a
carved frame.
F11b- Antique Gold Crackle Finish: Antiqued
22k gold
over red with crackle.
F12- Gold Clean: Modern bright 22k gold
finish with
minimal or no lap marks over red clay.
F12- Gold Clean: Pictured on a hand carved
F13- Gold Rub: Modern bright gold, medium
rub to
show bole and lap marks. Over any clay color.
F14- Gold Antique Dull Panel: Antique Gold
with matte panel.
F15- Gold Heavy Antique Dull Panel: Heavy
Gold finish with matte panel.
F16a- Gold Antique Dull Dark finish: 22k
dark stain
with matte panel American wash with shellac.
F16b- Gold Antique Dull Dark finish over
blue: Over
blue clay.
F17- Silver Rub: Modern bright white gold,
rub showing bole and lap marks. Over any clay.
F18- Silver Antique over blue: 12k white
gold antiqued
over blue clay.
F19- Silver Antique over black: 12k white
gold antiqued
over black clay.
F20- Finish #20: 22k or 12k extra
antique over
maroon clay (Yellow highlights on 22k) custom wash.
F21w- Silver Finish #21W: Silver (12k),
More Antique
over brownish clay, warm silver wash.
F21b- Gold Finish #21B: Gold (22k), More
over brownish clay with more rub on gold.
F23a- Silver finish #23: 12 white gold over
and red clays. Custom antique wash.
F23b- Gold finish #23: 22k yellow gold over
and red clays. Custom antique wash.
F24a- Lemon Gold: 18k gold over red, umber
F24b- Lemon Gold Dull Panel: 18k gold over
red with
unburnished dull panel and umber wash.
F25- Gold Finish #25: Gold (22k), Darker
finish with more rub and cut marks, custom wash.
F26- Stained Gold: 22k Gold with stained
F27- Stained Silver: 12k white gold with
antique finish.
F28- Gold Heavy Rub over Red: 22k gold
modern finish
with a heavy rub to show more red.
F29- Gold Heavy Rub over Blue: 22k gold
modern finish
with a heavy rub to show blue.
F30- Metal Leaf finish #30: Metal Leaf with
raw umber
wash and shellac.
F31- Silver Heavy Rub over Blue: 12k white
gold modern
finish with a heavy rub to show more blue.
F32- Gold Red & Black Rub: 22k modern
gold over
red & black with a heavy rub.
F33- Gold Antique Red & Black Rub: 22k
gold over
red & black with an antique finish.
F34- Silver Antique Dull Panel over gray:
12k white
gold over gray antique finish with matte panel.
F35- Gold ML Finish #35: Metal leaf finish
rub and highlights on edges. Dark wash.
F36- Silver Finish "J": With 12k white gold.
F37- Rusty Gold: 22k Gold with Rusty
looking Antique
F38- Gold Finish "J": 22k gold over yellow
with red
highlights. Raw and burnt umber wash.
F39a- Similoro Wash: Metal leaf antiqued to
yellow and red undertones, French wash.
F39b- Similoro ML: Metal leaf antiqued to
show red
and some yellow, umber wash
F40- Gold ML Finish #40: Metal leaf finish,
clay, steel wood rub, American wash.
F41- ML Reddish: Metal leaf antiqued to
show red
undertones, umber wash.
F42a- Silver ML Wash: Silver Metal leaf
to show red and yellow undertones, umber wash.
F42b- Silver ML Modern finish: Modern
bright silver
metal leaf finish.
F43a- Gold Heavy Rub over Black: 22k gold
finish with a heavy rub to show black.
F43b- Silver Heavy Rub over Black: 12k
gold modern
finish with a heavy rub to show black.
F44- Bronze Finish: Copper metal leaf with
a brushed
F45- Black over Metal leaf: Gold metal leaf
black paint.
F46- Tinta Negra: Black ink finish with red
Pictured with gold lip.
F47- Dark Tinta Negra: Black ink finish
with light
red undertones. Pictured with gold lip.
F48a- Dark Tinta Negra with Red Edges:
Black ink
finish with extra red showing on edges.
F48b- Black over black clay: No red showing.
F49a- Dutch Finish: Dark Black ink finish
light red
undertones. Dutch wash.
F49b- Dutch Finish with gold ML lip: With
gold metal
leaf lip.
F50- Mahogany Finish: Blank ink Sponge
finish with
red undertones.
F51a- Bronzino Finish: Dark wood finish
with green
and leafed undertones.
F51b- SPC Bronzino Finish: Variation on the
finish with gold or silver ML accents.
F52- Rosewood Finish: Wood finish with soft
red and
leafed undertones.
F53a- Amber Finish: Amber colored wood
stain finish
with black, red and orange toning.
F53b- Gold Antique Amber Finish: With 22k
F54- Rustic Finish: Rustic brown wood
finish. Usually
combined with gold or metal leaf.
F55- Silver Clean Light Wash: Bright 12k
white gold
over red clay with clear shellac & light wash.
F56- Bamboo Finish: Natural wood finish
with amber
bamboo colors.
F57- Dark-wood Finish: Dark stain finish
often combined
with veneer panels.
F58- Antique White Dark Finish: White Gesso
and wax
F58- Antique White Dark Finish pictured on
a carved
F59a- Stained Ebony Finish: Ebony wood
finish rubbed
and stained.
F59b- Stained Ebony Finish with Silver
antique lip:
Ebony wood finish with 12k lip.
F60- Dutch over Yellow: Black ink finish
over yello.
Dutch wash
F61- Pale Gold: 18k gold over gray clay,
white and
umber wash. Brushed or Antique finishes.
F62a- Silver museum finish PF04: 12k over
& red. Custom wash for carved frames only.
F62b- Gold museum finish PF05: 22k over
yellow &
red. Custom wash for carved frames only.
F63- Gold light wash PF12: 22k gold over
red clay
with special light wash.
F64- Special silver over blue PF24: 12k
white gold
over blue clay with special wash.
F65- Special gold red & black rub
PF25: 22k
gold with special red & black rub
F66- Verde Wood Finish: Stained finish with
undertones for carved frames.
F67- Silver antique over black and red
clays: 12k
over black and red. For carved frames.
F68- Moon Gold Light Wash: 22k modern moon
gold over
red clay with a light wash.
F69- Moon Gold over red: 22k modern moon
gold over
red clay.
F69- Moon Gold over red: Pictured on a step
F70- Moon Gold light antique over blue: 22k
gold over red and blue clay with light antique.
F71- Moon Gold rub over black: 22k modern
moon gold
over black clay with medium rub.
F72- Clean black finish: Hand painted
modern black
F73- Clean black with silver clean lip: 12k
lip with
light wash, rest hand painted modern black.
F74- Clean white finish: Satin
modern white
F75- Gold museum finish #2
F76- Modern Zinc Finish
F77- Brushed Zinc Finish
F78- Gold Regio Finish: 22k gold over
yellow and
red clay. Umber wash.
F79- Silver Regio Finish: 12k white gold
over yellow
and red clay. Umber wash.
F80- Pewter Finish
F81- Silver, special finish: 12k over red
clay with
light scratch marks
F82- Banya: Distressed antique Black wood
F83- Gold finish
FG: 22k extra antiqued gold, bone clay, finish #20 wash
F84- All black casein finish. Black casein
paint with a light wash