C&J Finishes
Corner sample finishes represent just one of the many possibilities available for that style. Our finishes can be interchanged and customized to fit your needs. We welcome your creativity when designing a frame. Please remember that our frames are hand finished. Minor variations are normal for this type of work. They add to the unique beauty and character of each frame. If you have a corner sample you would like to match please send it to us when ordering. 

Click on the links below to see pictures of how the finishes look

F01a- Gold Antique: 22k gold leaf over red clay, umber wash and medium antiquing with fly specs.

F01a- Gold Antique: Pictured on a frame that is not carved.

F01b- Gold Antique Creppe: Gold antique with creppe finished panel.

F02a- Silver Antique: Antiqued 12k white gold for the silver color.

F02b- Warm Silver Antique: 12k over red clay, warm umber wash and medium rub with fly specs.

F03a- Gold Heavy Antique: 22k gold extra dark and heavily distressed for a very aged look.

F03a- Gold Heavy Antique: Pictured on a frame with a flat panel and no carving.

F03b- Gold Heavy Antique dull: Pictured with an un-burnished matte panel.

F04- French Gold: 22k gold leaf over yellow clay with red highlights. White, yellow, umber wash.

F04- French Gold: Pictured on non carved frame.

F05a- Wood finish #5: Asphaltum rub with yellow shellac. Red clay ornament.

F05a- Wood finish #5: Pictured on flat profile

F05b- Wood finish #5: With gold heavy antique lip.

F06a- French Silver: 12K white gold over yellow clay with red highlights, French wash, ochre sides.

F06a- French Silver: Pictured on a frame that is not carved.

F06b- French Silver over blue panel: With blue clay on flat panel section. 

F07- French Pale: 22k gold leaf over yellow & red clays. Pale wash, cut marks.

F08a- Gold Brushed: 22k gold, brushed finish over red clay.

F08b- Silver Brushed: 12k white gold, brushed finish over red clay.

F08c- Silver Brushed over blue: 12k white gold, brushed finish over blue clay.

F08d- Silver Brushed over black: 12k white gold, brushed finish over black clay.

F09- Silver Brushed Dull Panel: 12k Brushed with an unburnished matte panel or scoop.

F10a- Finish #10: Rustic gesso finish with brown wax. Usually combined with gold or metal leaf.

F10b- Chestnut Finish #10: Rustic gesso & wax finish with brownish tones.

F11a- Gold Brown Crackle: Antique 22k gold finish with brown crackle paint.

F11a- Gold Brown Crackle: Pictured on a carved frame.

F11b- Antique Gold Crackle Finish: Antiqued 22k gold over red with crackle.

F12- Gold Clean: Modern bright 22k gold finish with minimal or no lap marks over red clay.

F12- Gold Clean: Pictured on a hand carved frame.

F13- Gold Rub: Modern bright gold, medium rub to show bole and lap marks. Over any clay color.

F14- Gold Antique Dull Panel: Antique Gold finish with matte panel.

F15- Gold Heavy Antique Dull Panel: Heavy Antique Gold finish with matte panel.

F16a- Gold Antique Dull Dark finish: 22k dark stain with matte panel American wash with shellac.

F16b- Gold Antique Dull Dark finish over blue: Over blue clay.

F17- Silver Rub: Modern bright white gold, medium rub showing bole and lap marks. Over any clay.

F18- Silver Antique over blue: 12k white gold antiqued over blue clay.

F19- Silver Antique over black: 12k white gold antiqued over black clay.

F20- Finish #20: 22k or 12k extra antique over maroon clay (Yellow highlights on 22k) custom wash.

F21w- Silver Finish #21W: Silver (12k), More Antique over brownish clay, warm silver wash.

F21b- Gold Finish #21B: Gold (22k), More antique over brownish clay with more rub on gold.

F23a- Silver finish #23: 12 white gold over yellow and red clays. Custom antique wash.

F23b- Gold finish #23: 22k yellow gold over yellow and red clays. Custom antique wash.

F24a- Lemon Gold: 18k gold over red, umber wash.

F24b- Lemon Gold Dull Panel: 18k gold over red with unburnished dull panel and umber wash.

F25- Gold Finish #25: Gold (22k), Darker antique finish with more rub and cut marks, custom wash.

F26- Stained Gold: 22k Gold with stained antique finish.

F27- Stained Silver: 12k white gold with stained antique finish.

F28- Gold Heavy Rub over Red: 22k gold modern finish with a heavy rub to show more red.

F29- Gold Heavy Rub over Blue: 22k gold modern finish with a  heavy rub to show blue.

F30- Metal Leaf finish #30: Metal Leaf with raw umber wash and shellac.

F31- Silver Heavy Rub over Blue: 12k white gold modern finish with a heavy rub to show more blue.

F32- Gold Red & Black Rub: 22k modern gold over red & black with a heavy rub.

F33- Gold Antique Red & Black Rub: 22k gold over red & black with an antique finish.

F34- Silver Antique Dull Panel over gray: 12k white gold over gray antique finish with matte panel.

F35- Gold ML Finish #35: Metal leaf finish extra rub and highlights on edges. Dark wash.

F36- Silver Finish "J": With 12k white gold.

F37- Rusty Gold: 22k Gold with Rusty looking Antique Finish.

F38- Gold Finish "J": 22k gold over yellow with red highlights. Raw and burnt umber wash.

F39a- Similoro Wash: Metal leaf antiqued to show yellow and red undertones, French wash.

F39b- Similoro ML: Metal leaf antiqued to show red and some yellow, umber wash

F40- Gold ML Finish #40: Metal leaf finish, yellow clay, steel wood rub, American wash.

F41- ML Reddish: Metal leaf antiqued to show red undertones, umber wash.

F42a- Silver ML Wash: Silver Metal leaf antiqued to show red and yellow undertones, umber wash.

F42b- Silver ML Modern finish: Modern bright silver metal leaf finish.

F43a- Gold Heavy Rub over Black: 22k gold modern finish with a  heavy rub to show black.

F43b- Silver Heavy Rub over Black: 12k gold modern finish with a  heavy rub to show black.

F44- Bronze Finish: Copper metal leaf with a brushed finish

F45- Black over Metal leaf: Gold metal leaf under black paint.

F46- Tinta Negra: Black ink finish with red undertones. Pictured with gold lip.

F47- Dark Tinta Negra: Black ink finish with light red undertones. Pictured with gold lip.

F48a- Dark Tinta Negra with Red Edges: Black ink finish with extra red showing on edges.

F48b- Black over black clay: No red showing.

F49a- Dutch Finish: Dark Black ink finish light red undertones. Dutch wash.

F49b- Dutch Finish with gold ML lip: With gold metal leaf lip.

F50- Mahogany Finish: Blank ink Sponge finish with red undertones.

F51a- Bronzino Finish: Dark wood finish with green and leafed undertones.

F51b- SPC Bronzino Finish: Variation on the Bronzino finish with gold or silver ML accents.

F52- Rosewood Finish: Wood finish with soft red and leafed undertones.

F53a- Amber Finish: Amber colored wood stain finish with black, red and orange toning.

F53b- Gold Antique Amber Finish: With 22k gold.

F54- Rustic Finish: Rustic brown wood finish. Usually combined with gold or metal leaf.

F55- Silver Clean Light Wash: Bright 12k white gold over red clay with clear shellac & light wash.

F56- Bamboo Finish: Natural wood finish with amber bamboo colors.

F57- Dark-wood Finish: Dark stain finish often combined with veneer panels.

F58- Antique White Dark Finish: White Gesso and wax finish.

F58- Antique White Dark Finish pictured on a carved frame.

F59a- Stained Ebony Finish: Ebony wood finish rubbed and stained.

F59b- Stained Ebony Finish with Silver antique lip: Ebony wood finish with 12k lip. 

F60- Dutch over Yellow: Black ink finish over yello. Dutch wash

F61- Pale Gold: 18k gold over gray clay, white and umber wash. Brushed or Antique finishes.

F62a- Silver museum finish PF04: 12k over yellow & red. Custom wash for carved frames only.

F62b- Gold museum finish PF05: 22k over yellow & red. Custom wash for carved frames only.

F63- Gold light wash PF12: 22k gold over red clay with special light wash.

F64- Special silver over blue PF24: 12k white gold over blue clay with special wash.

F65- Special gold red & black rub PF25: 22k gold with special red & black rub

F66- Verde Wood Finish: Stained finish with green undertones for carved frames.

F67- Silver antique over black and red clays: 12k over black and red. For carved frames.

F68- Moon Gold Light Wash: 22k modern moon gold over red clay with a light wash.

F69- Moon Gold over red: 22k modern moon gold over red clay.

F69- Moon Gold over red: Pictured on a step profile.

F70- Moon Gold light antique over blue: 22k moon gold over red and blue clay with light antique.

F71- Moon Gold rub over black: 22k modern moon gold over black clay with medium rub.

F72- Clean black finish: Hand painted modern black finish.

F73- Clean black with silver clean lip: 12k lip with light wash, rest hand painted modern black.

F74- Clean white finish: Satin modern white finish.

F75- Gold museum finish #2

F76- Modern Zinc Finish

F77- Brushed Zinc Finish

F78- Gold Regio Finish: 22k gold over yellow and red clay. Umber wash.

F79- Silver Regio Finish: 12k white gold over yellow and red clay. Umber wash.

F80- Pewter Finish

F81- Silver, special finish: 12k over red clay with light scratch marks

F82- Banya: Distressed antique Black wood finish

F83- Gold finish FG: 22k extra antiqued gold, bone clay, finish #20 wash

F84- All black casein finish. Black casein paint with a light wash